
(253) 227-0084
Excellent plumbing solutions at fair prices.

Your sewer line or septic system is damaged. It needs to be repaired. And you know it sits underground squarely within the perimeters of your carefully-manicured garden and landscaping or inside your garage under concrete.

So your stomach begins to churn as you ponder two torments that appear unavoidable: sewer/septic repair costs, and lawn, garden and landscape restoration costs. 

What will it take to return your beautiful property to its present pristine condition after the workers leave? These are far from happy, tranquil thoughts--especially when you're on a razor-thin budget.

Steve Pielak gets it. And he knows how to help, affordably and conscientiously.
With trenchless sewer repairs, very few breaches occur above ground. The work can be compared, metaphorically, to arthroscopic surgery if you're familiar with that.

Instead of hacking his way into the earth and opening up long trenches to reach the places that require repair, Steve can insert a durable pipe inside damaged pipes from a single location to repair the breach and protect the rest of the pipe from future breaches. The result: 'all better' without the added expense of having to backfill the trenches, repack and replace the soil, and repair the damage done by opening the ground to fix what's wrong.

Of course, trenchless sewer repairs can go terribly wrong in inexperienced hands and has. But never on Steve's watch. He has decades of experience, inside trenches and out. When this new technology came along, he embraced it, realizing how much time, trouble and money he would be able to save his clients by mastering the technique. So he did just that.

Although the corporate giants want your business badly (they have to pay for all those millions of dollars in radio and TV advertisements, remember) you'll save more while getting personalized  service from a Tacoma native who knows what it means to serve his neighbors without gouging them.

Bottom line: Don't trust your Trenchless Sewer Repairs to anyone other than Steve.
Trenchless sewer repair keeps lawns, landscaping and other costly-to-restore property features safe and sound