(253) 227-0084
Excellent plumbing solutions at fair prices.
Storm Drain
Here in the Tacoma area (and all across the U.S.) under the Clean Water Act cities, suburban communities and towns with more than 10,000 people are required to get discharge permits for their storm drain sewer systems.
Local governments are required to operate storm water management programs that include construction of new buildings and facilities and maintenance of existing municipal drainage networks. State government facilities (roads and highways) are subject to storm water management regulations, too.

Many local municipalities have ordinances requiring commercial and residential storm water management practices to be designed, implemented, and approved before occupancy permits are released.
Your storm drain is specially-designed to drain excess rain and ground water from paved streets, parking lots, sidewalks, and roofs. Storm drain designs vary enormously--from small residential dry wells to large municipal systems.
Storm drains are fed by street gutters on most heavily-traveled roadways, in towns that experience heavy rainfall and flooding, and in coastal towns that can expect storms like clockwork. Far too many storm drain systems send untreated storm water into nearby rivers, streams and larger bodies of water. (Think Puget Sound, folks: boating, sailing, swimming, orcas frolicking!).
I manage a small condo community in Lakewood. We had several quotes to fix our drain that has backed up for years every time it rained hard. We called Steve and got a quote from him that was considerably less than other people. He was very professional, explained what needed to be done, and he did the job. The drain is working well. I highly recommend Steve. He's very honest and does a great job. - Sandy G
Care and Feeding of a Healthy, Happy Storm Drain
If you have a storm drain, or will be getting one, here's what you need to know:
• Your storm drain runoff is not processed or neutralized before it flows into Puget Sound so dispose properly of antifreeze, food waste, motor oil, pesticides, pet waste, paint, household chemicals, wash water , trash and construction debris where these pollutants belong-far, far away from your storm drain and any areas that feed your storm drains!
• When cleaning up outside, dry sweep or vacuum biological waste (leaves, small branches, etc) into recycle barrels; let the powers-that-be dispose of them properly
• Clean up spills fast; don't hose them into gutters
• Keep the grounds around your trash/dumpster area clean so errant materials aren't washed into your storm drains
• If you store chemicals outside, cover and seal them well and establish secondary containment measures in case they spill accidentally (Keep spill clean-up kits in all chemical storage areas)
• Maintain your vehicle only in approved areas (professional car washes are designed to contain the chemicals they use) to prevent washing the chemicals you use into your storm drain
• Properly maintain your vehicle so fluid leaks don't make their way into your storm drain
With nearly 30 years in the plumbing business, Steve Pielak knows how to satisfy far more frugally than top-of-mind corporate providers without compromising quality or the conscientious service he provides. So if you have an existing storm drain that needs help or if you need a new one because of new development or expansion, make it a point to call Steve Pielak today, you'll be glad you did!