(253) 227-0084
Excellent plumbing solutions at fair prices.
French Drain
If you have a soggy yard, even when it isn't raining here in Tacoma, a French drain (a.k.a. curtain or containment drain) may be the answer.
A French drain redirects standing water so it disperses and doesn't hang around long-term making you crazy.
A typical French drain is eight to ten inches deep, lined with gravel, overlaid with perforated pipe or geo-textile tubing, and then covered and backfilled with soil. Invisible, it remains on the job, hard at work every time it rains, draining water from problematic areas and sending it on its way.
Although it's entirely possible to build a French drain yourself, unless you know what you're doing, you may rue the day you decided to take on the project. You'll need to be able to discern exactly what needs to be done to re-direct the water so it doesn't just pool in another area or cause other unforeseen consequences.
Steven comes right away when I have a water drainage problem. His first job was to re-establish a drainage system in my yard. Now my gutters drain directly into the drainage system. When my basement flooded, he created a French Drain. We recently had four days of rain and my basement hasn't flooded again! Steven did a great job. This company is reliable, value-priced and good at what they do. - Ellen

Steve Pielak has been building French drains for Tacoma-area families for decades. He has the onboard know-how and tools he needs to find out what's happening in your yard and how to make sure a French drain will actually correct your problem (as opposed to aggravating it).
He's completely familiar with county codes, too. By putting Steve on the job, you eliminate the guesswork, the toil, and the trouble of deciding which materials, how many/much to get, and all the rest.
It's true: building a French drain isn't rocket science. But it sure can be made into a whole lot less trouble when you entrust the job to Steve. He's affordable, reputable, reliable, courteous and dedicated to exceeding your expectations.
So what are you waiting for? If a French drain is what you want, Steve's the man to make it happen for you-give him a call today for a no-cost, no-obligation on-site visit and estimate.