(253) 227-0084
Excellent plumbing solutions at fair prices.
Clogged toilet
When you gotta go and your toilet is seriously clogged, who you gonna call? GO Busters? OK, probably not.
Instead, call Steve Pielak, who has been unclogging toilets for generations of Tacoma families. In fact, while Steve and his brothers (plumbers all, these days) were growing up, their father could often be found unclogging clogged toilets and taking on other sordid sewer challenges.
In stances where most family members would run screaming for the exits as the result of an over-flowing toilet, Steve Pielak goes in, first responder that he is, to restore order and flush-ability.
(Talk about heroes! Plumbers get the short end of the stick when you consider what they do every working day--and many nights during emergencies--to keep the rest of us comfortable on and off the throne.)
If you have a clogged toilet, before you take extreme measures be sure to call Steve and find out what you can do on your own that won't cause you additional headaches now or later.

For those of you who insist on trying the DIY route, shut the water off that connects the waterline to the clogged toilet. If you do this right, water will stop entering the tank. Put your plunger into the toilet bowl. Be sure there's enough water in the bowl to cover the plunger cup. If there isn't, pour in enough additional water from a sink. Pump the plunger forcefully and evenly five to ten times. (You should hear gurgling in the pipe and feel pressure building up beneath the plunger cup if you're doing this right.) If the clog doesn't give, try again.
When it does come up, try flushing it again or lift it out. If you decide to lift it out, use a rubber glove and deposit the clog immediately into a plastic bag before disposing of it.) If your actions cleared the clog, turn the water on again and let the reserve tank fill again, then flush again and watch to be sure all is well and that it doesn't threaten to overflow again.
If it does, repeat the process. If you still have a clogged toilet after another few tries call Steve because if you try to use an auger (a plumber's snake) you might break a pipe or get the snake stuck which will only add to the expense.
If all else fails call Steven for your Clogged Toilet.